
D10.2 Technical Report on the evaluation of Quantitative Storytelling

The purpose of the document is to report on what we have learnt from the two cycles of Quantitative Story Telling (QST). Capturing this learning delivers to our objective of evaluating inter- and transdisciplinary research in WP3.4 Scientific and Wider Societal Exploitation of Research outputs to inform and improve science-for-policy practice.

D10.1 Policy Briefing on the Evaluation of Quantitative Storytelling

The document reports on what we learnt from the two cycles of Quantitative Story Telling (QST). The objective of evaluating inter- and transdisciplinary research in WP3.4 Scientific and Wider Societal Exploitation of Research outputs is to improve science-for-policy practice. This briefing focuses on the lessons learnt and summarises the main messages from the longer Technical Report on the Evaluation of Quantitative Story-Telling D10.2 (Blackstock, Juarez Bourke, Matthews, Nicholson, & Beingessner, 2025), which explains the methodology and findings in more detail.

D8.2 Interpretation of Outputs Report

This document is an output of the policy-led analysis within the Land Use Transformations (LUT)
research project (C3-JHI-1) part of the 2022-27 Scottish Government (SG) Strategic Research
Programme (SRP).  This report presents outputs from the second of the Quantitative Story Telling
(QST) processes focused on options for changes to the way farm support payments are distributed
across Scotland and between sectors or size classes, referred to here as “regionalisation options”.

D8.1 Agriculture Reform Programme Regionalisation Options Synthesis Report

This report presents analysis of a set of options for updating how Scotland is divided into regions for the purposes of making direct agricultural support payments to farmers and crofters. The research is part of the 2022-27 Strategic Research Programme (SRP) and was conducted by James Hutton Institute staff from the Land Use Transformations project working with Scottish Government (SG) colleagues in RESAS and RPID.

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