
D4 Enhanced Conditionality Screening Synthesis

This document is an output of the policy-led analysis within the Land Use Transformations (LUT) research project (C3-JHI-1) part of the 2022-27 Scottish Government (SG) Strategic Research Programme. The LUT project has a focus on how to deliver high level policy outcomes – especially achieving “Net Zero and other environmental objectives”. The Vision for the Agriculture Bill signals the potential for a transformation in agricultural support, particularly via the use of Enhanced Conditionality (EC) on at least 50% of direct payments.

D2 Briefing on QST Methodology

This briefing is a deliverable from the Land Use Transformations project (JHI-C3-1) within the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme (SRP) 2022-27. The purpose of the document is to share with SG analysts and policy leads the Quantitative Story Telling (QST) approach to working across the science-policy interface that will be deployed in the project. The aim is to raise awareness of the methodology, illustrate its potential and to act as a reference document for policy and other stakeholders collaborating on the research.

D1 Storymap - Land Use Transformations

This story map presents analysis of how land use in Scotland would need to change if the net-zero GHG emission, climate adaptation and other environmental objectives are to be achieved.  The analysis is being conducted as part of the  Land use Transformations  project (JHI-C3-1) in the Scottish Government funded Strategic Research Programme 2022-27.  The story map is a "living” document that will continue to be updated and expanded over the course of the research programme.

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