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Aims and Drivers
Summary of the Project
Work Packages
WP C3.1 Emissions and environmental goals
WP C3.2 Joined up approaches to managing land
WP C3.3 Change, Resilience and Adaptation
WP C3.4 Scientific and wider societal exploitation of research outputs
Project Outputs
Technical Approach
Audiences and Impact
Key Linkages
Project Staff
Project Outputs
Project Outputs
Output Type
Consultation Responses
End of Year Presentations
Other Associated Works
Other Project Works
Project Outputs
Consultation Responses
Scottish Government’s Consultation on ‘Land Reform in a Net Zero Nation' Led by Scotland's Land Reform Futures with input from Land Use Transformations
Scottish Government Proposals for a new Agriculture Bill
RSE inquiry into public support for tree planting and forestry
House of Lords Enquiry into Land Use in England
D4.2 EFA Uptake Analysis
D1 Storymap - Land Use Transformations
D4 Enhanced Conditionality Screening Synthesis
D2 Briefing on QST Methodology
D5.3 Policy Coherence Technical Report
D5.2 Policy Coherence Briefing
D5.1 Policy Coherence Infographic
D3 Storymap Collection
D9 Visions for future land-use in Scotland – digital story report
D9 Visions for future land-use in Scotland – digital story
D8.8 Project Overview Presentation for ARIOB
D8.7 Regionalisation Scenario Builder Worked Example
D8.6 Specific Scenarios
D8.5 Scenario Builder & Dashboards
D8.4 Baselines and Characterisations
D8.2 Interpretation of Outputs Report
D10.2 Technical Report on the evaluation of Quantitative Storytelling
D10.1 Policy Briefing on the Evaluation of Quantitative Storytelling
D8.3 Project Overview for Scottish Government
D8.1 Agriculture Reform Programme Regionalisation Options Synthesis Report
End of Year Presentations
2022/23 3. Land Use Change Modelling - Alessandro Gimona
2022/23 6. Story Telling - Lee-Ann Sutherland
2022/23 5. Governance - Kirsty Blackstock
2022/23 1. Overview - Keith Matthews
2022/23 7. Enhanced Conditionality - Keith Matthews
2022/23 4. Peat Mapping - Matt Aitkenhead
2022/23 2. Mitigation and Adaptation - Mike Rivington
2023/24 8. Monitoring and Evaluation - Hebe Nicholson
2023/24 7. Enhanced Conditionality - Keith Matthews
2023/24 6. Story Telling - Naomi Beingessner
2023/24 5. Governance - Kirsty Blackstock
2023/24 4. Peat Condition - Matt Aitkenhead (Presented by Fraser Macfarlane)
2023/24 3. LUC Scenarios - Alessandro Gimona
2023/24 2. Climate-Soil - Mike Rivington
2023/24 1. Overview - Keith Matthews
State-of-Play Reference and Agreed Ontology
SSP Scenario Analysis
Other Associated Works
Supporting Agriculture and Rural Development Policy - RESAS Science Policy conference
Natural Capital Approach
Attitudes and drivers of behaviours of landowners and land managers towards Land use change associated with Climate Change Plan targets, PAWSA Report Commissioned by RESAS
Peatlands and Payments - Phase 2 Support to Policy Report
Peatlands and Payments - Phase 1 Support to Policy Report
Review of land ownership data in Scotland
Storymap for MOVING
Policy Note – Spatial Data Requirements for Land-Based Policy Objectives
Systems Thinking Workshop with ScotGov
Other Project Works
Horizontal Policy Coherence for Land Use Transformations: Initial Screening Results Presentation to QST Steering Group
Project Start-up Meeting with Scottish Government
Scottish Stakeholder Visions of Rural Land Use in a ‘Just Transition’ RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2023, London, UK
The importance of carbon sequestration rate considerations in area targets for afforestation: a strategic analysis for Scotland RESAS Presentation
Land Use Change RESAS Presentation
Project Glossary
Policy Coherence Literature Review
Policy Indicators and Targets
Exploring Policy Coherence For Land Use Transformations