This document is an output of the policy-led analysis within the Land Use Transformations (LUT)
research project (C3-JHI-1) part of the 2022-27 Scottish Government (SG) Strategic Research
Programme (SRP). This report presents outputs from the second of the Quantitative Story Telling
(QST) processes focused on options for changes to the way farm support payments are distributed
across Scotland and between sectors or size classes, referred to here as “regionalisation options”.
This document provides a more in-depth interpretation of the policy implications of the
regionalisation analyses conducted and is thus a supplement to the project’s Synthesis Report. The
charts presented within this document are also included, with annotations in the slide decks that
accompany the reports – see D8.4 Baselines and Characterisations | Land Use Transformations and
D8.6 Specific Scenarios | Land Use Transformations. Methods and data sources are reported in the
Synthesis Report. This report has two parts – first characterisation of the baseline status quo and
second characterisation of alternative Basic Payment Scheme (and related) regionalisation options.