Other Project Works

Exploring Policy Coherence For Land Use Transformations

The multiple crises (climate, biodiversity, austerity) facing our socio-ecological systems require ambitious responses; with much of the responsibility for protecting public goods and developing sustainably lying with public policy. To tackle these wicked problems, there are increasing calls for policy coherence: to use the levers of government in a more holistic and systemic manner. Land use transformation is crucial to achieving these ambitions. However, there is limited scholarship that takes a comprehensive approach to analysing policy coherence (both horizontal and vertical).

Scottish Stakeholder Visions of Rural Land Use in a ‘Just Transition’ RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2023, London, UK

Part of the Scottish Government's Strategic Research Programme (2022-2027), funded under the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division of the Scottish Government

Project Purpose: to generate new insights for how land use in Scotland needs to change to meet climate change mitigation, adaptation, and other environmental objectives. The project also considers how approaches to land use can be better joined up.

Project Glossary

This is the Glossary v1 for the Land Use Transformations project (C3-JHI-1). The first version of the document was an output of the start-up process for the project, a series of project-level workshops building on off-line data collation tasks. The objective of the start-up process was to kick-start interdisciplinary working since the Project has ambitions to exploit closer integration, then team building, familiarisation with others’ work and shared terminology is essential.

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